December 05, 2024
漂白水是一種强而有效的消毒劑,其主要成分是次氯 酸鈉(Sodium hypochlorite),能使微生物的蛋白質變質,有效殺滅 細菌,真菌及病毒.
務必定期清洗濾網,以維持最佳效能. 螢幕會適時提醒您. 為了保持吸力,請注意集塵筒,碎屑達到MAX刻度時,請立即清空. 您可以將機器放置在充電底座上,方便隨時使用.立式吸尘器
Costco卖金条卖出甜头. 金条于2023年8月在Costco推出,不到两个月后,在补货后数小时内就销售一空. 富国银行分析师在今年4月份的报告中说,Costco每月销售价值高达2亿美元的金条. 今年1月底,Costco开始以675美元的价格出售25枚一包的一盎司银币.
新买回来的床单和被套清洗一下再使用为好, 新买的被套有一股味道,这种味道就是甲醛的味道,这是因为在床单被套的生产过程中,甲醛能防止面料易皱的缺点,大家都知道甲醛对人体的健康存在一定的危害,因为甲醛是一种致癌物质. 在高压,高温环境下,让甲醛分子与棉纤维分子结合,可产生防皱效果.手持式真空吸尘器
腰圍英寸(inch) 腰圍公分(cm)
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尚有 20 列
A100 的深度学习运算性能 可达312 teraFLOPS (TFLOPS). GPU 的20 倍. A100 中采用的NVIDIA NVLink 可提供两倍于上一代的吞吐量.car vacuum cleaners
¿Es mejor tener un CFM más alto para una aspiradora de taller?
El CFM implica la cantidad de aire que se puede extraer de una bolsa determinada en un tiempo determinado. A primera vista, una bomba de vacío con una mayor capacidad de CFM rendiría mejor en piezas más grandes. Como las bombas con mayor capacidad de CFM extraerán más aire más rápido, lo que generará el vacío más rápido que con una bomba con menor capacidad.CFM implicates how much air can be drawn out under a given bag in a certain amount of time. On the surface, a vacuum pump with a larger CFM capacity would yield better on larger parts. As higher CFM pumps will pull more air out quicker, drawing down vacuum faster than that of a lower one.What Is Max Vacuum You Can Achieve and Does CFM Matter?Composite Envisions › document › what-is-ma...Composite Envisions › document › what-is-ma...
Puis-je nettoyer mes plinthes à la vapeur ?
Si vos plinthes sont très sales et présentent des saletés tenaces et collantes, utilisez un nettoyeur à vapeur . Peu importe le type de nettoyeur à vapeur que vous utilisez, à condition qu'il soit doté d'une buse portative capable de diriger un jet de vapeur constant sur vos plinthes.3 Oct 2024If your baseboards are extra dirty with sticky, stubborn grime, use a steam cleaner. It doesn't matter what type of steam cleaner you use, as long as it has a handheld nozzle attachment that can direct a steady spray of steam onto your baseboards.3 Oct 2024How to Clean Baseboards with Vinegar or a Dryer SheetTaste of Home › baseboard-cleaning-hackTaste of Home › baseboard-cleaning-hack
將漂白水與水按1:10 比例稀釋. 取適量的廚房紙巾捲成條狀,並用稀釋後的漂白水溶液浸濕. 將吸滿漂白水的紙巾敷在磁磚縫隙或矽利康發霉處,靜置至少2-3 小時. 將紙巾刮除,並用牙刷或菜瓜布刷洗乾淨即可.
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:59 AM
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November 29, 2024
What does dusk in dawn mean?
The phrase "dusk till dawn" refers to the period of time between sunset and sunrise, that is, the period of darkness when the sun is below the horizon. The phrase is often used to describe activities that happen during this time, such as parties, night shifts, or security surveillance.
What LED color is best for relaxing?
blueUsing LED light colors like blue or purple is perfect for serene, relaxed, and calming moods. In your bedroom, you want something that isn't too harsh on your eyes either, which is why both of these colors work well.
What is a real life example of version control system?
Version control is a software tool that tracks and manages changes made to code over time. It allows developers to keep a record of each change, revert to earlier versions, and collaborate with team members. Examples of version control systems include Git, SVN, and Mercurial.
Can LED bulbs be used in older light fixtures?
In most cases, it is possible to use an LED bulb in an old light fixture that was designed for incandescent or halogen bulbs.
Do lights put burglars off?
Take a few simple measures to reduce the likelihood of being burgled. Leave a light on: Leave a light on inside the house (choose well-used rooms such as the lounge or bedroom – not a hallway or other largely unused area). The intention is to create the impression that someone is in – a significant deterrent.led dusk to dawn light with photocell
What do you mean by dusk and dawn?
They are pretty much opposites. Dawn refers to the short period where the sun rises from below the horizon until it has fully emerged. Dusk refers to the corresponding time at the end of the day when the sun begins to set and the sky gets darker until the sun has fully dropped below the horizon.
What industries commonly use control system?
And by using multiple devices within the production process, a DCS is able to reduce the impact of a single fault on the overall system. A DCS is also commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, electric power generation, chemical manufacturing, oil refineries, and water and wastewater treatment.
Can photocells be used with LEDs?
Integrating photocells with LED lighting systems enhances their durability while reducing maintenance costs. Extended lifespan is among the best things about using LED lights with photocells for summer days.
What is a dusk to dawn photocell?
This is primarily used to turn exterior lights off at dawn and back on when the sun sets. There are numerous types of photocells in the market but the technology behind them is all the same, as they utilize semiconductors to control the electric current.Commercial LED Flood lights
How many hours is dusk to dawn?
(duration) From sunset to sunrise. (temporal location) At night, nighttime. Usually it's 12 hours, ie 6pm to 6am as far the"dusk to dawn curfew" us concerned.
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:16 PM
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Post contains 503 words, total size 3 kb.
November 12, 2024
What is a low GPA?
The higher the GPA requirement is, typically a 3.0 GPA is about 75 points out of a possible 100 for schools in Taiwan. To reach a GPA of 3.0, your average score must be at least 75 points. A lower grade of 3.0 requires special attention and requires a complete analysis and reinforcement plan to be performed.
Is it okay to have a 2 page resume?
According to statistics from headhunting website The Ladders, many people used to think shorter was better, but according to resume writing service ResumeGo, a two-page resume can get you hired. Sexuality increases. Once hired, HR professionals tend to spend a lot of time looking at two-page resumes. 南方警衛及管業有限公司
What should I wear for my ID photo?
It is best to wear plain clothes for your ID photo, and avoid clothes with prints or patterns. If wearing one-color clothing feels monotonous, you can also add a bow tie or necktie to add a sense of hierarchy. You can create a layered look by creating a V on the outside of the shirt and layering it with a vest or jacket with a collar or round collar.
What should I write on my resume?
Enter experience information: For each position, you must enter the company name (optional), job title, job type, and length of employment. Recent work takes priority. Human resources will check first. Therefore, whether it is a resume or an autobiography, it is better to avoid empty diary entries and start writing by highlighting recent work achievements, instead of only describing the work content . 6 days ago I also know how to use "quantified results".
How much does Canva cost?
[Comparison table of Canva Pro and free version]
Canva Free version Canva Pro Upgrade version
Library capacity Approximately 1 million+ Approximately 100 million+
Cloud storage capacity 5GB 1TB
New features - Brand Tools Group Background removal tool, automatic resizing, content planning table, 24-hour customer service support
Canva price USsh US19.99/year
1 column left
What GPA do I need?
So, what GPA do you need to apply to a foreign university? Take the United States, which uses a 4.0 GPA, most published minimum application standards fall under a 3.0 GPA; If you want to apply in the top 20, you'll want a GPA of 3.85, as long as you can not only meet the admission criteria but also reach a GPA of 3.5. 3.9 or higher.
Should I include references on my resume?
Although it is not necessary to list a recommender on a resume for a human resources bank, I also feel that if you do write one, it is necessary to contact the recommender and get their approval before writing. No bonus points!! However, if the company sends you an interview information form before the interview and asks you to fill it out and bring it to the on-site interview, then you might actually get an interview. Of course, you should contact your references before hiring. Whether a company recommends it depends on the company.
Will firing an employee affect my company?
Resignation applications by employers are primarily intended to facilitate government agencies' re-employment support for laid-off employees, and do not have any negative impact on companies.
Will I be recorded on LinkedIn?
If you have a Basic account, you can see your last 5 visitors in the last 90 days, as long as you set your profile display options to show your name and job title when you view your profile. , you can also pull up. Your Profile List of Recommended Views Note: Even if you have a premium account, if a visitor chooses to remain anonymous or hide some of their information, their name will not be displayed. No.
How can I prevent others from finding my IG?
Make your Instagram account private
Tap your photo or photo in the bottom right corner to go to your profile.
Tap on the top right.
Under 'Who can see your content', click 'Account privacy settings'. Tap
. Click next to Private Account to make your account private. 雲端支援工程師
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
09:32 PM
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Post contains 682 words, total size 5 kb.
November 07, 2024
What is one advantage of outsourcing to a provider?
gives the company a high degree of control over its operations. encourages the development of the company's core competencies. One advantage of outsourcing is that it: increases the company's access to state - of - the - art products and processes.Recycling Benchmark
Is SAP easier than Oracle?
User-Friendly Interface: SAP generally offers a more user-friendly interface, making it easier for employees to adapt and navigate the system. Oracle systems, though powerful, might have a steeper learning curve for users. Global Scalability: SAP's architecture is well-suited for global scalability.
How does outsourcing affect us?
Outsourcing Lowers Barriers to Entry and Increases Competition. While increased competition is encouraged by free markets and generally benefits consumers, it can hurt businesses that can't keep up. Outsourcing allows new entrants to industries where labor would have been too expensive otherwise.
How does outsourcing influence efficiency?
By freeing up internal resources and leveraging the expertise of external service providers, organizations can achieve significant cost savings, streamline processes, and enhance overall performance. In addition to cost savings, outsourcing non-core functions can also bring other efficiency benefits.
How much does SAP 4 Hana cost?
SAP S/4 HANA Price List:
Cost Component On-Premise (One-Time Fee) Cloud (Monthly Subscription)
Implementation Costs $50,000 - $500,000 $10,000 - $100,000
Data Migration $10,000 - $100,000 $5,000 - $50,000
Custom Development $20,000 - $200,000 $10,000 - $100,000
Maintenance & Support 18-22% of license fee annually Included or extra
What is the outsourcing strategy plan?
An outsourcing plan is a strategic plan developed to identify and manage any external services, resources, and activities related to a business. It outlines the goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs) that need to be achieved in order to successfully outsource operations and activities.SAP Partner
What are the advantages of outsourcing?
Advantages of Outsourcing
Reduced labor cost: By outsourcing some of your business operations, you save the cost of recruiting and training more employees.
Access to experts and professionals:
Great competitive advantage:
Tasks are done faster:
Freedom to focus on other vital issues:
Easy project management:
What are the pros and cons of outsourcing?
Pros and Cons of Outsourcing
Pro: Cost-effective.
Pro: Faster turnaround.
Pro: Specialization.
Pro: Access to more talent.
Pro: Can prevent burnout of full-time staff.
Con: They don't know your business.
Con: Communication challenges.
Con: Difficulty with quality control.
More items...•SAP Outsourcing
How does SAP API work?
APIs work by exposing a limited number of actions and data points with which external software can interact. When a software system wants to access a resource provided by another system (such as data or functionality), it sends a request detailing the action it needs to perform. This request is made through an API.
What are the best examples of outsourcing?
8 Common Outsourcing Examples in Business
Marketing and Advertising. Delegating marketing tasks to an agency is a common outsourcing example. ...
Customer Service. ...
Human Resources. ...
Manufacturing. ...
Business Development and Sales. ...
Shipping and Logistics. ...
Accounting. ...
Information Technology (IT)
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
11:29 PM
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Post contains 510 words, total size 4 kb.
March 23, 2023
Pseudo-vegetarian makeup has always been popular among girls, as wearing makeup but looking as if you are not wearing makeup improves the style and highlights the lightness and freshness. If you want to draw the pseudo-vegetarian makeup well, you still must master many tips. Today, I brought a pseudo-vegetarian makeup makeup base 推介 that people have to love, so you have makeup like no makeup, but double the style. Together with the small to see how to draw it.
1 After cleansing your face, smear the right amount of foundation on your face to create a flawless texture base muscle.
Makeup steps for college students
2 Draw eyebrows with brown eyebrow tint to make them thicker and more shaped.
3 Base your eyes with a light curry eye shadow.
4Wipe in the corners of the eyes with a darker shade of curry.
5 Use a dark curry eyeshadow to lightly bring over the root of the upper lashes to make the eyes look deeper.
6Smear on melon red lipstick to increase themakeup base 推介 seduction of the lips.
7 Sweep a light pink blush on both sides of the cheeks to increase the color of the face.
4 daily light makeup drawing makeup necessities
1. BB cream / CC cream
Even if not foundation, you must also rub a small amount of color correcting effect BB cream or CC cream, can adjust the skin tone in real time, even out the color.
2. Flawless milk
Similarly, without foundation, you can put on some flawless cream on dark circles and acne marks to make your skin tone brighter and healthier.
3. Blush
Normally, you can go out with just a foundation and a little blush. The benefit of blush is that it makes your complexion look white and red, especially when you are not feeling well.
4. Blending Powder
Just lightly brush a highlighting powder on the protruding areas of the face, such as the stork bone, brow bone, and forehead, for an immediate, albeit understated, improvement in the wheelhouse.
5. Eyeliner paste
The difference between wearing eyeliner mascara and not wearing mascara, I believe there is no need to explain much! Eye shadow can not be applied, but a layer or two of eyeliner can certainly make the eyes enlarged and more divine.
6. Eyeliner pencil
The same as eyeliner, such as eyeliner plus eyeliner at the same time, even if you don't apply eye shadow, you can already make your eyes twice as big.
7. Blending eye shadow palette
Even if you don't wear makeup often, you don't need to buy many different brands of eyeshadow. A multi-color eyeshadow palette can shape a variety makeup base 推介 of eye makeup.
8. Lipstick for daytime
The color of the lipstick for daytime use should be more natural, you can choose pink or pink-orange tones, more optional at the same time nourishing function, you can go out with less a lip balm.
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Steps and description of makeup
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
05:27 AM
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Post contains 512 words, total size 4 kb.
May 12, 2021
Bamboo symbolizes the way of the gentleman and is known as the "cold friend" with plum blossoms and pine trees.
bamboo knife symbolizes the resilience of life, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth. Bamboo, with its charm, slender and soft, long-lasting and undefeated, symbolizes eternal youth and youthfulness;
Bamboo, spring (spring mountain) bamboo can be dashing and upright, clear and handsome, fluttering gentleman without poise; bamboo as hollow, symbolizing a modest.
Bamboo, open-minded, can be self-contained, bamboo is characterized by bending but not folding, folding but not breaking, symbolizing a firm and gentle manly loess, Ling Yun's intention, his wind learning long, Yan Ran has risen, bamboo nodes will be exposed, bamboo tip will rise, which is a metaphor for high integrity and brightness; moral uprightness is not vulgar, born with frugality, is a symbol of integrity.
Bamboo symbolizes fortitude, longevity, happiness and spiritual truth, while in Japan, bamboo symbolizes truthfulness and piety.
Bamboo, hollow symbolizes: modesty, temperament, uprightness can not live without bamboo: meaning themselves and the world for those who are in pursuit of fame and fortune are not the same, they only pursue the development of their own students in the mind of the ideal society folk culture there is a sentence: bamboo for peace
More importantly, it is environmentally friendly and renewable and does not affect the forest too much.
The unique chopsticks culture is even more chewy, chopsticks have many beautiful meanings. For example, in ancient times, people married their daughters with chopsticks, which means "add chopsticks to the chopsticks and set a good edge". In ancient times, the popular folk saying was "chopsticks chopsticks, have a baby soon". Chopsticks can be given to lovers, which means "pair up and never separate": to children, which means "chopsticks are long, chopsticks are long, fast and long": to friends, which means "equality, love and harmony": to teachers, which means straight and not bent, and dedication without asking for reward.
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Bamboo is actually also so many wonderful uses, do you like bamboo products?
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
10:42 AM
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Post contains 395 words, total size 4 kb.
April 28, 2021
"What kind of conference room microphone is best?" This is a short question, but not so easy to answer.
Technology conducts parametric design documents with a lot of terminology and descriptions of pickup patterns, decibel counts and frequency response. However, these data parameters do not fully take into account the social and environmental influences. If you are not such an audio expert, these relevant parameters have barely given you an idea of how a particular product type of conference room microphone will perform in your meeting through environment.conference speaker with mic: A Must-Have for Meeting Rooms
Let's explain six features of conference room microphones from the user's perspective.
1. Immunity to ambient noise
Honestly, if you listen to ambient noise in a conference room with headphones on, you'd be surprised at how much noise there is: paper rustling, chairs moving, pens falling, coffee spilling ...... air conditioning and projector fans not being quiet.
If a conference room microphone is able to accurately pick up the speaker's voice and ignore all other noise from students in the business, the clarity of speech in the room will be greatly improved.
Please note that this is especially important for meetings with simultaneous interpretation.
2. System noise
In addition to ambient noise, the system also generates noise. Each electronic circuit will produce noise, but some more or less. The ability of a conference system to handle system noise depends on the type of microphone, the design process of the circuit and the quality of the components used.
What you need to know is that the more noise there is, the worse the listening experience will be, and that's the connection.
3. Natural sound
A well-chosen microphone system in the conference room can improve the clarity of presentations and make meetings more relaxed and less boring. Delegates no longer need to raise their voices so that those sitting across the conference table can hear them clearly.
However, if the work session is longer, it is also required that the sound from the system is designed so that we must sound more natural and balanced. High-frequency sound should be subject to good internal control and uniform frequency response of students, while low-frequency sound should sound warm they are not excessive. It should also not pick up too much of the reverberant sound caused by the technical environment of the room acoustics.
An unnatural sound system can quickly become unpleasant for the listener and lead to listening fatigue.
4. Freedom of movement
What happens if the speaker turns his head toward the person sitting next to him when he speaks? What if he gets up from his seat on a whim and continues to speak? What if the speaker is very relaxed and sits with his back against the chair?
The conference room microphone must be able to handle all of these developments in the business at the same time: the distance between the speaker and the microphone changes, and the direction he is facing when he speaks changes. Some different types of conference room microphones handle these changing environmental conditions better than others.
5. Language Intensity
This is a conference room with a microphone.
In fact, it's annoying if you're listening to someone talking and suddenly hear the person next to him talking to someone else. As you can imagine, it's also a very awkward situation.
The directionality of the microphone largely determines the extent to which the speaker's voice is "isolated" from other voices.
6. Aesthetics
While everyone's perception of beauty is different, it is a fact that some types of conference microphones are more obtrusive than others. A less conspicuous microphone will compromise on ambient noise pickup and speech privacy, while a more conspicuous microphone will perform better in these areas.
As you can see, there is no "one-size-fits-all" answer to the social question of which microphone is best for students. It depends on the specific application of the business, and your microphone needs to be used for the user experience that is more important to you.
But with this in mind, you'll be able to better evaluate which conference microphones are best for your application and which should be avoided.
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Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:50 AM
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Post contains 768 words, total size 6 kb.
April 01, 2021
If standard field gear wishes to become related into the Net of Factors, what need to we do? This requires embedded engineering to incorporate networking modules towards the tools to obtain networking and clever handle features. The networking cellular module is the key connection amongst the online market place of Items tools along with the community layer. It belongs towards the fundamental hardware connection and is also irreplaceable. It performs a vital position during the all round design and style in the World wide web of Items equipment and is the main component in the Online of Matters devices.
The networking module is usually a practical module that integrates chips, memory, electric power amplifier gadgets, and so on. on the circuit board and offers a regular interface. Different terminal equipment ultimately understand the conversation functionality by means of the networking module. Networking modules are divided into cellular interaction modules (2/3/4/5G/NB-IOT, and so forth.) and non-cellular interaction modules (WiFi/Bluetooth/LoRa/Zigbee, etcetera.) according to the accessibility protocol. They are presently employed in sensible dwelling appliances. The Wi-Fi networking module while in the unit will be the most common and customary.
Through the point of view with the industrial chain, the upstream of your networking module is the production sector of baseband chips, radio frequency chips together with other raw components, with a large diploma of standardization. The downstream are various subdivision application fields, which are really scattered, and sometimes flow to numerous fields by the intermediate distribution and consignment links. The networking module alone is inside the middle url amongst the upstream standardized chip along with the downstream decentralized vertical discipline. The organization model is generally: order upstream resources by on your own, execute hardware integration and design and style, and sell concluded products and solutions downstream. Networking modules have technical and client thresholds. In an effort to satisfy the particular requirements of various buyers and distinctive software eventualities, they need to have the power to standardize and personalize. This establishes that upstream chip producers are far too included and uneconomical, and it truly is difficult for downstream consumers to acquire on their own.
Given that the essential medium for setting up the link in between "things and matters, issues and people, and people and things", networking modules instantly influence the tip user experience with the gear. When common industry products is upgraded to your Internet of Matters, it can be in particular important to choose a very good networking module. Significant, production businesses will have to opt for corporations with R&D capabilities to cooperate.
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Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
06:42 AM
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March 19, 2021
A server is a computer on which your net host merchants the documents and databases needed in your web site. Whenever an online visitor needs to accessibility your website, their browser sends a ask for for your server and it transfers the necessary documents via the net. VPS hosting delivers you by using a digital server that simulates a actual physical server, nonetheless, the truth is, the equipment is shared amongst a number of users.
Layerstack is one of the excellent providers of vps server hong kong, with affordable price and advanced technology, helping customers achieve what they want to do, and it is worthy of choice for customers.
Utilizing virtualization technologies, your internet hosting company installs a digital layer along with the operating procedure (OS) with the server. This layer divides the server into partitions and will allow every person to install their own OS and software package.
For that reason, a virtual non-public server (VPS) is both digital and personal since you may have comprehensive handle. It truly is divided from other server people around the OS degree. In fact, VPS technology is analogous to creating partitions on your own pc any time you desire to run multiple OS (e.g. Home windows and Linux) with no a reboot.
Working a VPS lets you established up your website in a protected container with guaranteed methods (memory, disk place, CPU cores, etcetera.) you don’t should share with other customers. With VPS web hosting, you've got a similar root-level access as if you experienced a devoted server, but in a significantly lessen price.
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Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
03:27 AM
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March 05, 2021
The development of eyes actually starts from the effect of hyperopia and goes through the process of hyperopia → face up → |stop|. If the car cannot be stopped, excessive growth and development will continue to form student myopia.
Hyperopia, face up, stop, false nearsightedness, true myopia, high myopia
01 False myopia is also called 兒童近視 accommodative myopia.
If we use these drugs or adopt social science eye training research methods to relieve the spasm of the ciliary muscle and restore the function of its adjustment system to the lens, the eyeball economy can be restored to its original state. If we do not get a good prevention and treatment in China at this time, the retina stimulates the continuous development of the sclera, causing the growth of the eye axis, which will affect the gradual evolution of true myopia.
02 True myopia stage
For patients with myopia, the degree of myopia increases by 300 degrees for every 1mm increase in the axis of the eye. The characteristic of the development of myopia in adolescents is rapid, with an average annual growth rate of 75 to 150 degrees, until the age of 18, and some as high as 200 degrees per year.
03 High myopia stage
With the expansion of the eye axis, the eyeballs of juvenile myopia patients continue to expand. In the process of the enlargement of the eyeball, both the sclera and choroid can continue to grow and grow by following the signals inside the eye, but the retina cannot grow without it. In order to attach the retina to the enlarged sclera and choroid, many cracks or lattice-like degeneration will appear in the peripheral part of the retina, which will cause early pathological changes in the future retinal detachment.
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Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
11:27 AM
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Post contains 317 words, total size 2 kb.
February 17, 2021
Consider a cursory look at a lot of the technological innovations of these days. Quite a few, for instance Wi-Fi, a raft of pc peripherals plus a complete host of electronic devices promote themselves as 'wireless', negating the necessity for obtrusive cables plus the like. Microphones aren't any various, but how can a cable, or deficiency thereof, have an affect on the way in which a microphone performs, if in the least?huazeacoustics wireless lavalier microphone for iphone is worth your choice, come and see itï¼
With this type of wide array of recording microphones out there, some with cables and other individuals with no, it could be tough to know which to plump for. Let's consider a look at people that lack cables - what exactly are their advantages, and exactly how can they help us reach our recording and amplifying goals?
Move devoid of restriction
Definitely essentially the most clear advantage of using a wireless microphone will be the simple fact which the user can go unimpeded when accomplishing. A singer or public speaker employing a this unit should be able to wander freely around the executing place, together with having in among the audience, devoid of lack of audio high quality.
It really is not only that we will shift as we would like having a wireless microphone. Also, we will accomplish that with out worry of tripping - if you'll find no wires, the chances of this going on are markedly diminished.
A clean equipment
No matter whether we're performing before a camera or right before numerous individuals inside an auditorium, the a lot less cables which can be visible to our viewers, the greater the knowledge for them it will probably be. This is due to it gives a 'clean' look to proceedings, that means that viewers won't be distracted because of the presence of wires when seeing your visible recording or presentation.
Certainly quite possibly the most obvious of advantage of working with a wireless microphone may be the reality that the user can transfer unimpeded when carrying out.
The cable conundrum
Cabled microphones that happen to be utilized usually can very often experience from frayed wires, especially if they may be cheaply created. As a result, the cord will need being intermittently changed or repaired since it turns into destroyed, lest it become harmful. In extreme situations, the cable can disconnect with the amplifier itself, producing pointless embarrassment and an undesirable split in proceedings.
Let us choose a fast glance certainly one of one of the most typical different types of wireless microphone, the handheld.
Handheld hero
As their name indicates, handheld microphones are clutched from the grasp in the speaker or singer. One among their most important rewards may be the simple fact the distance between mouth and microphone is often bodily altered at will and with ease, that means that quantity and fidelity may alter. For this reason, a number of specific audio outcomes is often attained, regardless of whether it truly is an increased emphasis on specified vital words or with the inventive leanings of the performing vocalist.
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When to utilize a lavalier mic
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:03 AM
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February 05, 2021
Just like all other kinds of device soldering, there are actually many varieties of fluxing, preheating and soldering procedures, which we’ll dig into in later chapters. For now, listed here are some issues to pay attention to:
Fluxing Engineering
Two sorts can be found: Spray and Microdrop.
The Spray kind is usually speedier, is time-tested above quite a few yrs of assistance, and has increased solids flux functionality. Downsides to Spray are: it leaves far more flux residue, requires far more servicing and has extra don elements which will have to have replacing.Pick the selective solder machine of SunzonTech, which perform perfectly even for lead-free soldering or multi-layer boards, to gear up your production chain.
Microdrop fluxing is more precise, gives greater hole filling, leaves minimal residue and is particularly normally maintenance cost-free. Even so, it charges extra, operates a tiny bit slower and is particularly far more complicated to application.
Preheating Technological know-how
Preheating minimizes thermal shock prior to soldering. Preheat units could be integral with the selective soldering device or provided being an optional module.
Brief IR, Location IR, and Space Quartz procedures can be obtained, and may be used on each the bottom as well as top rated from the board. Space Quartz is frequently specified for thick boards.
IR supplies fast reaction and is gradient controllable, while some kind of convection provides a reduced gradient but a more uniform heat transfer high quality. A combination of the two might be utilized for high thermal mass programs.
Soldering Technologies
You will find three popular kinds of soldering technologies offered: Jet Wave, Wettable Nozzles, and Hybrid (Mini-Wave and Dip combination).
Jet Wave is similar to wave soldering in that it’s directional and it has precisely the same gains as wave. Its smallest solder diameter is 4mm, it involves negligible maintenance, and it's reasonably lower expense.
Wettable Nozzles solder in every way, 360 levels, or in possibly the x or y route. It's quick to manage the wave peak, and its smallest diameter is 3mm. It expenses over Jet Wave and necessitates every day servicing.
related articles:
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:43 AM
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January 21, 2021
A guide decide and location system is fascinating for smaller, developing operations that really need to increase their hand-held production volumes incrementally while also enhancing top quality, so reducing rework or rejects; however, the accuracy of placement is still confined through the capability with the operator. Benefits of a machine-assisted guide technique involve:
Less operator exhaustion
Much less placement problems
Much better command
Enhanced produce, much less rework
A machine-assisted manual process may be equipped with features which include an X-Y indexing table with vacuum pickup head or pen; ergonomic fixturing that can help alleviate operator fatigue; and additional fixturing for θ (rotation) and Z (peak) positioning moreover to X and Y.
Some equipment offer an optional liquid solder paste dispenser, and that is applied just prior to placing the ingredient on the board if a stencil printer hasn't been utilized. Extra possibilities include:
The Pick and Place Machine makes assembling printed circuit boards possible. Experience fast assembly of parts, from the smallest chips to large components.
Component Handling Trays
Liquid Dispenser
Tape Feeders
Feeder Racks
Eyesight Guide alternative
Optional Stands
Most often, device assisted handbook units is often procured with just the bare requirements, and appealing choices could be additional later as they’re necessary.
Semi-automatic methods
Right now there are actually incredibly several semiautomatic machines even now getting manufactured because of the escalating affordability of a few of the greater automatic units available. They had been originally launched in a time when the leap from manual to totally computerized techniques was just much too price prohibitive and were being built offered with a few capabilities to aid the handbook operation.
Far more properly known as "enhanced manual†units, semi-automatic select and put devices ordinarily include things like a pc interface using a eyesight method that displays in which the components go, however the placement alone remains completed manually. This type of equipment allows the operator placement ultra-fine pitch factors extra correctly for low-volume programs, an procedure which is quite tough to achieve utilizing a simple machine-assisted guide equipment.
Ease of use
Most decide and position devices will deal with a fairly vast variety of board sizes, with a perform table created to accommodate boards around 16†x 24â€. You can find also ease of handle more than the factors, which aids in accuracy, in addition to a simple finding out curve. In most cases, no training is necessary.
Do not ignore electrical prerequisites. Ensure that the equipment you buy will plug-and-play in the atmosphere without pulling in new wiring or else approach on an adapter/transformer.
related articles:
Guide and semi-automatic devices
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:19 AM
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Post contains 439 words, total size 4 kb.
January 06, 2021
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is actually a world-class college with foremost investigate in many disciplines, generating bold innovations to break new floor.
We have been inside the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Being a university by using a powerful center on science, engineering and technologies, PolyU responds towards the difficulties and chances led to because of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that's characterised by rising systems such as AI, facts science, robotics, new products, additive production and biotechnology.
Passionate about the cultural and educational background of hong kong study abroad. Our extensive curriculum covers more than 150 graduate and undergraduate courses. The scholarship is open to outstanding local and overseas students.
Our scientists uncover awareness and completely transform exploration excellence into impactful innovation. By way of our interdisciplinary attempts, we're resolving urgent worldwide issues and contributing to your better environment. To be a college by using a sturdy emphasis on societal influence, we also develop innovations and technologies linked to housing, well being care, smart cities, the environment and electricity so as to handle key societal troubles.
PolyU's instruction nurtures future-ready world-wide leaders by implementing a broad-based curriculum for holistic academic progress. The qualified training product of PolyU adopts a novel experiential mastering solution which contains of Work-Integrated Instruction, Service-Learning, Overseas Trade Prospects and Leadership Programmes.
As element of our dedication to giving lifelong discovering opportunities globally, we use diverse formats including video clips, quizzes, displays, scenario research, discussion forums, stay functions, know-how look at and exams to conduct our programmes. This proved being an effective and helpful technique to broaden the shape of our teaching offerings for reaching out to world life-long learners also as embracing the demands and troubles within the 21st century.
Located from the heart of the town, PolyU’s campus capabilities state-of-the-art teaching and study amenities, as well as a wide range of ground breaking undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD diploma courses throughout eight faculties and educational facilities: Applied Science and Textiles, Enterprise, Construction and Natural environment, Engineering, Health and Social Sciences, Humanities, Layout, and Lodge and Tourism Administration.
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What kind of college would be the Hong Kong Polytechnic College?
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
03:30 AM
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December 16, 2020
我曾經有一ä½32æ²çš„男性客戶,投醫療ä¿æ™‚與醫生進行å¥åº·ç”³å ±æ™‚,血壓檢測çµæžœé«˜é”160mmHg/100mmHg。醫生很驚è¨ï¼Œç‚ºäº†ç¢ºèªæª¢æŸ¥çµæžœï¼Œä»–擔心自己的血壓åé«˜ï¼Œå› ç‚ºä»–é é“而來香港。醫生æ¯éš”åŠå°æ™‚給他åšä¸€æ¬¡æª¢æŸ¥ï¼Œçµæžœæ²’有多大差別。
最後這ä½å®¢æˆ¶æŠ•ä¿çš„é‡ç–¾ä¿éšªï¼Œæœ€å¾Œè¢«åŠ 價55%ã€‚å¤§ç½µæˆ‘ä¸€é “å®£æ³„å¾Œï¼ŒæŽ¥å—äº†æ ¸ä¿çµæžœã€‚然後éŽä¸Šäº†ä½Žæ²¹é¹½é€™äº›å¥åº·ä¸åœ‹é£²é£Ÿçš„生活,也去é‹å‹•äº†ï¼Œå…©å¹´æ™‚é–“éŽåŽ»äº†ï¼Œè„‚肪è‚消失了,高血壓知è˜ä¹Ÿå¥½é‚„是轉了。
當然,並ä¸æ˜¯æ¯å€‹äººéƒ½åƒä»–é‚£æ¨£é †å¾žå’Œç©æ¥µä¸»å‹•åœ°æŽ§åˆ¶è‡ªå·±çš„風險和改善自己的身體狀æ³ã€‚
然則,當他們來投ä¿æ™‚,就會被當é 棒å–。
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
11:04 AM
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November 30, 2020
è–å¿ƒçŸ³å®¤å¤§æ•™å ‚ï¼Œå»£å·žæœ€å¤§çš„æ•™å ‚ï¼Œç´ æœ‰"é æ±å·´é»Žè–æ¯é™¢â€çš„美稱。
哥特å¼å»ºç¯‰é¢¨æ ¼æ˜¯çŸ³å±‹è–å¿ƒå¤§æ•™å ‚æœ€å¤§çš„äº®é»žï¼Œåˆ†ç‚ºä¸‰å±¤ã€‚
在底層上,兩個尖端打開,兩層樓都用石é 雕刻,三層是é¾æ¨“,而雙塔高è³å…¥é›²å±¤ï¼Œäººå€‘ä¸ç¦è¨˜ä½å¡è¥¿èŽ«å¤šçš„故事。
法國巴黎è–æ¯é™¢å¤§æ•™å ‚å±‹é ‚ç™¼ç”Ÿå¤§ç«çš„事故,世界發展å„åœ°éƒ½ç‚ºé€™å ´å¤§ç«è€Œå¿ƒç—›ï¼Œé€™æ›´è®“å¸ç”Ÿæˆ‘們自己ç視廣州這座城市曆å²å‚³çµ±æ–‡åŒ–è—è¡“ç‘°å¯¶ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥å¿…é ˆå¾—å¸¶æœ‹å‹ä¾†æ„Ÿå—到了一下的呀,å…è²»å°å¤–開放滴哇!
怎麼去:地éµ2號線到海ç å»£å ´ç«™B2出å£æ¥è¡Œ590米,也就是直接從銀燈食府走路éŽåŽ»å°±å¯ä»¥äº†ï¼Œå®Œç¾Ž!
ç›¸é—œæ–‡ç« ï¼š
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
09:08 AM
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November 19, 2020
ç©¿éŽè—¥çŽ‹å±±å°±æ˜¯ä¸åœ‹æ±Ÿè˜‡è·¯ï¼ŒåŽŸè·¯è¿”回çµæžœå°±æ˜¯æž—廓路,走一個文化街å€å°±åˆ°äº†å»ºç¯‰å¸ƒé”拉宮西å´ã€‚ 在宮殿å°é¢çš„西å—角,窯王山觀景å°â€”—有一個å°è§€æ™¯å°ã€‚ 互è¯ç¶²ä¸Šçš„布é”拉宮照片大多是在這個觀景å°ä¸Šæ‹æ”çš„ï¼Œç”¨ç›¸æ©Ÿç•™ä¸‹ä»–å€‘ç¬¬ä¸€å¼µå®®æ®¿ç…§ç‰‡ã€‚å…¥å ´è²»åªæœ‰2元,值得一æ的是布宮晚上å¯ä»¥ç…§æ˜Žï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ç™½å¤©å¸ƒå®®è£é£¾è‘—è—天,è¯éº—的白雲,莊嚴肅穆; 晚上燈光彙èšï¼Œç¦å»ºè—和兩種ä¸åŒé¢¨æ ¼çš„景色,åƒè¬ä¸è¦éŒ¯éŽã€‚
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布é”拉宮是拉薩市最高的建築,ä¸åƒ…僅作為權利的代表最高,åŒæ¨£å› 為拉薩市å€æµ·æ‹”高度3700米,特殊的地ç†ç’°å¢ƒï¼Œé€ æˆæ²’有其他建築高度能超éŽå®ƒ(近兩年全國大興土木,在市å€è¥¿å—似乎有一些高層了,能ä½é€²åŽ»çš„都是敢於直é¢åœé›»çš„勇士)。
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布é”拉宮門票經濟需è¦é€²è¡Œæå‰é 約,在春å£å…票,éŽäº†äº”ä¸€é€²å…¥å¸‚å ´æ—ºå£å¾Œå°±é–‹å§‹æ™‚間收å–門票了。布宮充滿了文化解釋,大部分都是用自然光和犛牛酥油燈照明的。ä¸å¯é¿å…地,這è£çš„æ™¯è‰²å¾ˆæš—æ·¡ã€‚å¦‚æžœä½ ä¸æå‰å‡†å‚™ï¼Œæˆ–者ä¸å¸¶å€‹å‘å°Žï¼Œä½ ç¸½æœƒå¤±æœ›çš„ã€‚å»ºè°ä¸‹ä¸€å€‹æ—…éŠæ‡‰ç”¨ï¼Œåœ¨å¸ƒæ–™å®®æ®¿è£è£ä¸Šå°ŽéŠã€‚宮殿內ç¦æ¢æ‹ç…§ï¼Œä½†è€³æ©Ÿä¸å—é™åˆ¶ã€‚
ç›¸é—œæ–‡ç« ï¼š
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
07:23 AM
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Post contains 19 words, total size 7 kb.
May 31, 2016
  "What does the fellow mean," thought the old farmer, "calling this city full of people a cemetery?"
  On leaving the city their way led through a cemetery where some people were praying beside a grave and distributing chapatis to passers-by in the name of their beloved dead. They gave some of the bread to the two travelers also, as much as they could eat.
  "What a splendid city this is!" said the young man.
  "Now the man is surely crazy!" thought the old farmer. "I wonder what he'll do next. He'll be calling the land water, the water land. He'll be speaking of light when it's dark, and of darkness when it's light." But he kept his thoughts to himself.
  Presently they had to wade through a stream. The water was rather deep, o the old farmer took off his shoes and pajamas and crossed over. But the young man waded through it with his shoes and pajamas on.
  "Well, I've never seen such a perfect idiot, in word and deed," said the old man to himself.
  Yet he liked the fellow. He seemed cultivated and aristocratic. He would certainly amuse his wife and daughter. So he invited him home for a visit.
  The young man thanked him and then asked, "But let me ask, if you please, if the beam of your house is strong."
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
02:30 AM
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Post contains 318 words, total size 2 kb.
March 30, 2016
I keep my eye on the letter. Mother points her finger at me. "I’m calling Fanny Mae’s tomorrow and I’m going to make an appointment for the both of you.â€
"Missus Phelan, that’s not—â€
"No need to thank me,†Mother says math concept. "It’s the least I can do for you, now that your own dear mother’s not around for guidance. Now, I’m off to bed,†and Mother hobbles toward her bedroom. "Not too late, girls.â€
Hilly stands there a second, her mouth hanging open. Finally, she goes to the door and flings it open and walks out. The letter is still in her hand.
"You are in a lifetime of trouble, Skeeter,†she hisses at me, her mouth like a fist. "And those Nigras of yours?â€
"Exactly who are you talking about, Hilly math concept?†I say. "You don’t know anything.â€
"I don’t, do I? That Louvenia? Oh, I’ve taken care of her. Lou Anne’s all set to go on that one.â€
"And you tell that Aibileen, the next time she wants to write about my dear friend Elizabeth, uh-huh,†she says, flashing a crude smile. "You remember Elizabeth? She had you in her wedding?â€
My nostrils flare. I want to hit her, at the sound of Aibileen’s name.
"Let’s just say Aibileen ought to’ve been a little bit smarter and not put in the L-shaped crack in poor Elizabeth’s dining table.â€
My heart stops. The goddamn crack. How stupid could I be to let that slip?
"And don’t think I’ve forgotten Minny Jackson. I have some big plans for that Nigra.â€
"Careful, Hilly,†I say through my teeth. "Don’t give yourself away now.†I sound so confident, but inside I’m trembling, wondering what these plans are.
Her eyes fly open. "That was not me WHO ATE THAT PIE!â€
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
03:08 AM
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Post contains 353 words, total size 3 kb.
January 26, 2016
"One cloudy moonlight night, in the third week of December in the year 1757, I waswalking on a retired part of the quay by the Seine for the refreshmentof the frosty air, at an hour's distance from my place of residence inthe Street of the School of Medicine, when a carriage came alongbehind me, driven very fast. As I stood aside to let that carriagepass, apprehensive that it might otherwise run me down, a head was putout at the window, and a voice called to the driver to stop.
"The carriage stopped as soon as the driver could rein in hishorses, and the same voice called to me by my name. I answered. Thecarriage was then so far in advance of me that two gentlemen hadtime to open the door and alight before I came up with it. Iobserved that they were both wrapped in cloaks, and appeared toconceal themselves. As they stood side by side near the carriage door,I also observed that they both looked of about my own age, or ratheryounger, and that they were greatly alike, in stature, manner,voice, and (as far as I could see) face too.
"'Doctor Manette, formerly of Beauvais,' said the other; 'theyoung physician, originally an expert surgeon, who within the lastyear or two has made a rising reputation in Paris?'
"'Gentlemen,' I returned, 'I am that Doctor Manette of whom youspeak so graciously.'
"'We have been to your residence,' said the first, 'and not being sofortunate as to find you there, and being informed that you wereprobably walking in this direction, we followed, in the hope ofovertaking you. Will you please to enter the carriage?'
"The manner of both was imperious, and they both moved, as thesewords were spoken, so as to place me between themselves and thecarriage door. They were armed. I was not.
"'Gentlemen,' said I, 'pardon me; but I usually inquire who doesme the honour to seek my assistance, and what is the nature of thecase to which I am summoned.'
"The reply to this was made by him who had spoken second. 'Doctor,your clients are, people of condition. As to the nature of the case,our confidence in your skill assures us that you will ascertain it foryourself better than we can describe it. Enough. Will you please toenter the carriage?'
"I could do nothing but comply, and I entered it in silence. Theyboth entered after me- the last springing in, after putting up thesteps. The carriage turned about, and drove on at its former speed.
"I repeat this conversation exactly as it occurred. I have nodoubt that it is, word for word, the same. I describe everythingexactly as it took place, constraining my mind not to wander fromthe task. Where I make the broken marks that follow here, I leaveoff for the time, and put my paper in its hiding-place.
"The carriage left the streets behind, passed the North Barrier, andemerged upon the country road. At two-thirds of a league from theBarrier- I did not estimate the distance at that time, butafterwards when I traversed it- it struck out of the main avenue,and presently stopped at a solitary house. We all three alighted,and walked, by a damp soft footpath in a garden where a neglectedfountain had overflowed, to the door of the house. It was not openedimmediately, in answer to the ringing of the bell, and one of my twoconductors struck the man who opened it, with his heavy ridingglove, across the face.
Posted by: Fly to the moon! at
08:57 AM
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